Japanese Motor company Nissan has unveiled its second model from its new low prices Chinese brand Venucia. The new model has been unveiled after an executive from the company revealed that there was a temporary dip in the sales during the anti Japanese protests last month.

The company has on September 8, 2012 unveiled the compact R50 hatchback which will sell in the market just for 67,800 yuan. The new model has been introduced as a part of the new wave of new models by the Japanese, US and European automakers which are aimed at China’s growing low priced market outside the major cities.

The Venucia has been created by Nissan at the Chinese Joint venture partner Dongfeng Motor co. The first model of the brand D50 sedan had debuted in the month of April.

In the year 2009, China managed to overtake the United States in terms of world’s biggest auto market by vehicles sold. But since then the sales growth has been slowed down in some of the major cities and are imposing restrictions on the ownership to curb traffic and smog. This has promoted the global automakers to look for new ways to tap the faster growing low end Chinese market in the smaller cities and the country side.