Asia Bizz: Google Android Magazine Banned In App Store By Apple Inc.

An Android magazine has now been officially banned by Apple Inc. from the App Store. The Danish media company named Mediaprovider, was banned from publishing their content in Apple’s App Store, as the magazine had exclusive content which spoke about the Google Android operating system. It has been seen in the world of technology, that Google and Apple are strict competitors, but this time Apple is taking the competition a bit too personally.

It has now raised speculations on the web, as to why Apple needed to ban a magazine that published content about Android. The magazine application called “AndroidWorld Reader,” has been banned from the App Store, because it focuses too much on the Android operating system.

Meanwhile, Brian Dixen spokesperson of Media Watch, stated that the only reason their magazine has been disqualified from the App Store is because it contained Google Android related content. He said “It’s funny really because I don’t think we would sell many magazines on Android through Apple App Store, but the question is where this is going,”. It was only AndroidWorld that had an issue with Apple, other wise, the  rest of their applications are working fine with the App Store.

Source: PCMag