Asia Bizz: Indian film critics had least expected Vidya Balan’s ‘Kahaani’ would receive such a major response from the audience. But now the Bollywood film – which was made with quite a low budget of Rs 8 crores –  has already recovered its money and will soon be declared as a hit.

After delivering a hit with ‘The Dirty Picture’, the actress has once again showed the audience what she is worth. On the opening day, the film collected Rs 2.95 crore and is already receiving a huge response from the audience.

On Sunday, the collections of the movie reportedly touched Rs 7 crores, while Saturday saw a collection of Rs 4.5 crores. Joginder Mahajan, a Delhi-based film distributor said that the movie is made for serious and sensible racegoers and Balan’s performance has been appreciated by the audience.

Mahajan added that the film is not entertaining as ‘The Dirty Picture’, but is still being appreciated for the effort put in by the actress. The story of the movie is about Vidya, who plays the role of a six month old pregnant woman and comes down to Kolkata all the way from London in search of her husband.