In some good news for the commuters travelling on the Delhi Metro’s Airport Express line, managed by the Reliance Infrastructure, uninterrupted mobile connectivity will be provided. A company official on April 30, 2012 said that the commuters can now enjoy uninterrupted mobile phone service while travelling.

A spokesperson from Reliance Infrastructure said, “Reliance Infrastructure constantly works towards enhancing commuter comfort and convenience. A complete bouquet of Reliance Commmunication, Vodafone, Airtel, Idea and Aircel services will now be available at all the stations of the Airport Express line”. The officials added that the reliance Communications mobile phone services are already available on the airport line.

The spokesperson added, “Telecom carriers Vodafone, Airtel, Idea and Aircel have installed their base transceivers at all the stations of the line”. The commuters at the Airport Express line can already access internet through various stations through Wi-Fi connections.

Till now only the Reliance users were able to use their phones on the 23 km corridor. The commuters usually face the problems like call drop or network outage, which will all be a problem of the past. The commuters can now enjoy seamless connectivity of the Express Line, which is going to benefit hundreds of commuters who like to stay connected while on the move.