After reports of Shahrukh Khan’s misbehaviour with the officials of Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA), the actor on May 17, 2012 clarified and denied the reports that he was drunk and misbehaved with the officials. Khan even said that he deserves an apology.

The ‘Don’ actor alleged that the staff on Wednesday at the stadium was high handed and that they misbehaved with his children which included little girls. Shahrukh even said that it won’t change his life if he was not allowed to enter the stadium.

The actor even admitted that he was abusing them as he was insulted. Shahrukh said that he will not deny the fact that he abused but was provoked when someone abused him in Marathi.

On May 17, 2012 the actor faced a lifetime ban from entering the Wankhede Stadium after he allegedly appeared drunk at the ground and misbehaved with the security guards and cricket officials. The incident took place after the actor’s team Kolkata Knight Riders beat the Mumbai Indians at the Indian Premiere League match. Shahrukh and his entire team wanted to celebrate the win after the presentation ceremony but he was not allowed to do so. The MCA president, Vilasrao Deshmukh said that he has called for an urgent meeting where the matter shall be discussed.