In some relief for the people in north India suffering from heat wave conditions, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) announced on June 4, that Monsoon rains is all set to hit the Kerala coast in the next 48 hours. So it is just matter of hours and a matter of a few days for the country to get relieved of the scorching heat across the country.
IMD issued a statement on Monday, which said that weather conditions are now becoming favourable for the arrival of monsoon rains over the southern coast of Kerala. Generally, the monsoon hits the coast of Kerala on June 1 every year.
This year the monsoon was delayed due to the cyclonic pressure over the Arabian Sea. But now the monsoon is gaining strength and would tentatively arrive on June 6-7.
Meanwhile, rain occurred in some of the isolated places in the state of Kerala and also in a few places in Lakshadweep on June 3, 2012. While talking about the temperature, the maximum temperature in Kozikode and Piravom districts was above normal.
Meanwhile, some changes were seen in the places like Ernakulam, Kannur, Kollam and Kottayam districts. At present some of the states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and other states are high temperature levels.