After last year’s earthquake and tsunami disaster, first sea food was caught off the Japan’s Fukushima coast and went on sale on June 25, 2012. However the offerings were limited to octopus and marine snails due to the ongoing fears of radiation.

For the initial shipments, the Octopus and marine snails were chosen for the initial shipments as the testing for the radioactive cesium consistently measured to no detectable amounts. The sea food was caught on Friday and was boiled so that they could be last longer.

The sea food was also tested for radiation before they could be sold on Monday. For now the sea bass flounder and other fish from Fukushima cannot be sold due to the fear of contamination.

It is still unclear when they will be approved for sale as they measure above the limit in radiation set by the government. Along with the radiations the government is also testing for the radioactive iodine. But half of its life is shorter than cesium and is thus less worrisome. After the March 11 disaster struck last year, the coastlines of northeastern Japan were contaminated by the radiation leaking from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, where three of its reactors went in to melt downs.