Brett Rierson, the director of the World Food Program China Liaison Office (WFPCLO) said that the rise in the food prices is not a sign of global crisis. Rierson argued that the current situation is different from the previous crises.

In an interview, the director of WFPCLO said that global food prices will remain high as well as volatile. Rierson also noted that the drought in the United States has resulted in a sharp increase in maize, soybean and wheat prices. The director also said, “But rice prices remain stable, and other conditions make the situation fundamentally different from previous crises”.

Brett also said that rice production in Asia has been stable due to the generally good production and high inventories. It was also pointed out that countries around the world are better poised to respond to challenges now, as compared to what they were five years back.

Rierson suggested that governments need to strengthen safety net programs, including food or cash transfer, school meals and food subsidies as the ways to reach the poorest families in times of crisis. During the interview, Rierson also pointed out the achievements in food production in the past ten years. An official from the Ministry of Agriculture said that China’s grain output is likely to hit a record high as well.