Chinese police who are working with US law enforcement officers said that they have uncovered a major transnational criminal case regarding the exporting and manufacturing of certain international fashion accessory brands. So far 73 people have been arrested in the case.

More than 20,000 counterfeit bags have been confiscated by the police. The seized material includes bags which were branded as Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Coach. The police closed down 37 illegal sites which were producing and selling these brands.

The Ministry of Public Security said in a statement that it found that suspects have manufactured and sold more than 960,000 such fake bags. Around 17 equipment sets and 91 bank cards being used for receiving and transferring illegal gains were also seized by police.

In the month of January, 2012, local police in South China’s Guangdong province suspected that a person named Qian and some others were also responsible for the production of a large consignment of fake brands which were being exported to various foreign countries. Additional information was soon shared by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who proposed a joint investigation into the matter. Qian was arrested in May, 2012 before he was about to export another batch of fake goods.

Later Chinese police found that the suspects were running illegal sites from provinces such as Guangdong, Anhui and Fujian.