Sky-watchers were treated with a penumbral lunar eclipse on November 29, 2012. Many people might not have noticed the eclipse, but sky-watchers across the globe knew of the event and were ready to witness it.
Australian photographer Andrew Wall said while talking about the eclipse that the Earth’s Fuzzy shadow dimmed the bright lunar disk at the height of the eclipse; which was seen at 9:33 am ET on November 29, 2012. The dimming effect was turned off as the moon traveled through the edge of the shadow this time and not through the deepest part of the shadow, as it did during the December, 2011 total lunar eclipse.
The major viewing areas for the eclipse included the Pacific and Australia, along with Alaska and most of the parts of Asia. Ramiz Qureshi, a Pakistani sky-watcher said, “There was a very subtle darkening of the lunar limb at totality; barely noticeable to the untrained eye. In fact, I nearly missed it until a friend reminded me.”
In order to create a composite view of the eclipse, Qureshi put together a close-up shot and a wider angle photograph of the moon. If you have missed this eclipse, next year there will be a partial lunar eclipse on April 25, 2013 and prenumbral eclipses on May 25, 2013 and October 18, 2013.