Indian actor Kamal Haasan is in the middle of a row in regards to his movie Vishwaroopam and will now meet the Muslim leaders to sort out the controversy. The Muslim leaders had objected to the portrayal of their community in the new flick. Vishwaroopam was banned in Tamil Nadu after protests from certain sections of society.


The meeting will be attended by government representatives as well as the Home Secretary. It is expected that a compromise will be reached, which will allow the Rs 95-crore movie to begin screening in the actors home state.

Haasan, while talking to the reporters said, “I don’t think the film will have to be chopped. I will talk to my Muslim brothers”. Even chief minister Jaya Lalitha defended the ban on the movie and said that the criticism hurled at her government has also infused hysteria among the people. The chief minister went on to say that the decision was made so as to prevent violence and also to give time to both sides to cool down.

Earlier this week, the actor had met the Muslim leaders and screened the movie for them privately. After this he had even agreed to delete a list of scenes which were termed too controversial to display. However,  just minutes later the Madras High Court ruled in favor of the ban on the movie.