One of the fans of Junior NTR lost his life during the launch the Telugu action drama ‘Baadshah’ in Hyderabad on March 17, 2013. The event was supposed to be a grand evening, but turned out to be sorrowful one when a stampede broke out and a fan lost his life as a result.
The event occurred in Hyderabad when thousands of fans flocked to the launch venue and one by the name of Rajendra Prasad was suffocated to death. The incident had also injured a few others who were taken to a nearby hospital. Jr. NTR released a statement which said, “I am saddened to know that I lost one of my brothers today. I may be the only son to my parents, but all my fans are equivalent to my brothers and sisters. This was supposed to (be) an evening to enjoy, but unfortunately it has turned sad”.
The actor assured his fans that he would stand by the family that had lost a member. The Telugu star appealed to everyone to be cautious and not to be involved in such madness. Producer Bandla Ganesh said that he would donate Rs. 5 lakh to the family of the deceased. ‘Baadshah’ will be directed by Srinu Vaitala and stars Kajal Agarwal, Prakash Raj and Ritu Verma.