Mobile manufacturer Motorola has said that in the future, the screen size of the device’s it manufactures will not be too big or too small and will fit the device depending on ergonomics. The company will be putting features and usability above specifications and pre-loaded software. This might be a good news for those who are looking for a budget phone.
Jim Wicks, the designer in chief of the company, said in an interview that expanding screen sizes and customised operating systems only appeal to a few people. On the other hand, a majority of smartphone customers believe that better quality will outlast bigger devices. As of now, the company is concentrating on simplifying the user interface of the phones and is going forward with stock Android designs.
Wicks said, “Consumers love what the Android OS can do for them and they want to have the most recent releases faster”. The designer went on to say that from a software to a user interface perspective, their strategy was to embrace Android and to also make it a good representation of Google and its operating system.
Wicks also assured that the new design will be an unadulterated version of Android. The designer explained that the apparent demand for larger screens has a sweet spot in terms of its size, which is starting to be exceeded by manufacturers.