The Chief Minister of the state of Odisha, Naveen Patnaik announced several schemes in the past one year, just before the Assembly elections. The Chief Minister has announced everything from shoes, laptops and umbrellas to free mobile phones for more than 15,000 farmers. At the moment, Patnaik is on a distribution spree with laptops, umbrellas, blankets, cycles and even rice at Re. 1 per kg. After the exit of his former political adviser Pyari Mohan Mahapatra, Patnaik is putting all his efforts into this.
Moreover, the Chief Minister has announced sops for almost every section of the society in order to attract voters. On Tuesday, June 18, 2013, farmers have received about 20,000 free mobile phones. Sudhir Majhi is one of the beneficiaries of the sops and came all the way from Mayurbhanj district to collect his mobile phone. Majhi said that he already has one phone and he will give this one to his grandchildren.
The beneficiary added, “Since the government is providing free, I have come to take the mobile. But this will not influence my vote.” Looking at the records for the past 6 months, the government of Patnaik has given free blankets worth Rs. 72 crores, free umbrellas worth Rs. 3 lakh, free laptops to 15,000 students who passed class 12 examinations, along with free cycles, shoes, financial assistance, helmets and more.