The much-awaited Tokyo Game Show officially started on September 19, 2013 and managed to bring together gamers from all over the world. The show will also give gaming enthusiasts the first taste of Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One. Developers from over 350 companies in 33 countries were spotted at the event, displaying their latest offerings.


The enormous Makuhari Messe convention center featured special areas for romance simulation games, cloud gaming and the booming tablet game and smartphone sector. More than 200,000 people are expected to arrive at the event which will last until Sunday, September 22, 2013. The upcoming PlayStation 4 is all set to hit the US market in November 2013, just in time for the holiday season.

However, the highly-anticipated next-gen device will not be available to Japanese consumers until February 2014. The roll-out of the PS4 was announced by the company earlier in September 2013 and Sony wanted to wait until the software was ready before it released their newest product.

The new PS4 is expected to be priced just under 40,000 yen in Japan, which is the same as in the United States. On the other hand, the rival Xbox One will be rolled out in 13 countries, including the US, Australia and Britain on November 13, 2013, while the Japanese release date has not been revealed yet.

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