Indian consumer electronics manufacturer Micromax is all set to launch its new A350 handset, which was spotted at the Antutu benchmark on January 3, 2014. The official Micromax leakster posted a Tweet which has shown the specifications of the upcoming model.
According to the post, the new A350 will have a 1.7GHz Octa Core, 16MP, 2GB of RAM and will be powered by Android 4.2. It is expected that the upcoming device will be added to the Canvas range of smartphones. Additional specifications of the phone include a 5-inch full HD display, 16-megapixel primary camera and a 5-megapixel front camera.
However, another online post has mentioned that the device will have Android 4.4 KitKat instead of the 4.2 version which was mentioned in the leakster. The device will run on Micromax’s customised user interface and will feature a 3,000 mAh battery. The post says, “Phone will come in Tie Up-515 Offer from Docomo we still dont know what it is but phone will be priced around 19000-20000”.
With these specifications, it seems like Micromax A350 will be competing against other handsets in the market, including the Sony Xperia Z1, Nokia Lumia 1520 and Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom. The upcoming model by Samsung – Galaxy S5 – is expected to feature a 16-megapixel camera.
Photo Credits: IB Times