Handset manufacturing giant Xiaomi is all set to launch its 4G device the Mi 4 for the Indian market on January 28, 2015. The Apple of China has sent out an invitation saying, “You are invited to a front-row view on January 28, 2015…Mi hits a 4 and a 6”.


With the recent invitation, it seems like the handset maker is trying to strengthen its position in the Indian market. Xiaomi kicked off in India in 2014 and has so far launched three handsets including the Xiaomi Mi 3, Redmi 1S and the Redmi Note. The company launched the new Mi 4 in July 2014 but could not be launched in the Indian market.

Xiaomi recently launched the Mi Note and the Mi Note Pro at an event in Beijing. The company head in India Manu Jain said that the they are trying hard to expand its product portfolio in India, which is considered as the largest market after China. The new Mi 4 has a 5 inch IPS display and is powered by a 2.5 Ghz quad core snapdragon 801 processor with 3 GB RAM.

Other features of the device includes 13 mega pixel rear camera with LED Flash and 8 mega pixel front camera for selfies. The device comes with Android KitKat operating system with a layer of MIUI OS skin.

Photo Credits: igyaan