Authorities from the Japanese island of Kuchinoerabujima have started evacuating the southern portion of the island after a volcano suddenly erupted on May 29, 2015. The eruption led to plumes of black smoke high in to the sky. The authorities have also asked the airlines to re-route the flights.

The explosion led to a pyroclastic flow of highly heated gas and rock flowed down the side of Mount Shindake. The sediments reached the ocean floor after the explosive eruption. Officials have assured that there is no longer any danger to the human life. Nobuaki Hayashi, an official from the island said, “There was a huge bang and black smoke rose up immediately”. The official added that the residents are gathering to wait for the evacuation.

Reports say that a 72 year old man had suffered burns on his face after he was caught in the pyroclastic flow but s far no more reports about other injuries among the 137 residents of the island. The only access for the residents to the outside world is by boat. The residents have gathered on the roof of the evacuation centre and its parking lot is packed with cars as the mount is continuing to spew out smoke and ash.

The ash from the volcano has covered a part of its lower slopes and has also fell on the main harbor and turned it grey.

Photo Credits: The Hindu