Wednesday night was the day for the third and final presidential debate of 2016 that pitted rivals Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. The debate was not short of fireworks.
“Bad hombres”
Trump attracted some attention when answering a question on border security. For anyone who has been listening to the Republican presidential nominee, the answer did not come as much of a surprise. His response was that America needed to build a wall and also deport the bad people in the country. Towards the end of his remarks, Trump used a slang Spanish word used to refer to men, “hombre.” So much so, ‘Bad hombres’ is trending in twitter now!
Album name:
Bad HombresTrack list:
I Don’t Know Putin
You’re the Puppet
Radical Islamic Terrorism
You’d Be in Jail
Build a Wall— Andrew Katz (@katz) October 20, 2016
“Open Borders”
Clinton was on the spot when Moderator Chris Wallace asked about a controversial remark regarding open trade and open borders. She made this remark during a paid speech after ending her tenure as secretary of state. In responding to this, Clinton insisted that she was referring to “energy” crossing borders and it had nothing to do with illegal immigration.
Vladimir Putin
The discussion took a turn, and the focus shifted to Russia. Most intelligence experts believe that Russia was behind the hack on Clinton’s campaign chair’s emails. Clinton accused Trump of being too cozy with Vladimir Putin, even going further to claim that Trump would be Putin’s puppet when elected president.
Abortion and The Supreme Court
Appointment of the Supreme court justice came up, with Wallace pointing out that the president might appoint three of them. He also noted that this might have a big influence on how the court leans for the next generation. The issue of abortion also came up, with Trump bashing Clinton for her support of the same, even going ahead to give a graphic illustration.
Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Several women have stepped out claiming that they had been sexually assaulted by Trump. This comes in the wake of lewd comments by Trump in 2005 revealed two weeks ago. However, Trump denied all those allegations and blamed the whole situation on Clinton.
Violence at rallies
Clinton bashed Trump for being the source of the violent incidents that have been experienced throughout his primary and general election rallies. However, Trump turned the blame around and placed it on Clinton, even citing a video that shows Democrat operatives talking of their incitement to violence during Trump rallies.
Clinton Foundation vs. Trump Foundation
There was some back and forth between Clinton and Trump about their charity foundations that are named after them. Both foundations have been linked to various scandals.
Trump may dispute election results
In the first presidential debate, Trump made it clear that he would accept the results of the elections in November, even if it meant accepting defeat. However, he said he wasn’t sure anymore in the final presidential debate. He has also been expressing his belief during his rallies that the election is rigged.
The Elections are Rigged (says Trump)
Talking of the allegations of rigging by Trump, Clinton pointed out that this was a tool the billionaire businessman commonly employed. She pointed out other scenarios where Trump blamed rigging for his misfortunes.
While the USA Presidential Elections have been as entertaining as any reality show, we’re eagerl waiting for the grand finale a.k.a Election Day on November 8.
Watch how Hollywood Celebrities are coming together to urge people to vote.