Asia Bizz: China has now shown its willingness to help the Euro Zone countries recover from the economical crisis which they are currently undergoing. In addition to that it will be supporting the International Monetary Fund to release a rescue package to bail out many of the affected countries. According to a Chines spokeswoman, she said that the Euro Zone is one of the most essentials areas for China to invest and trade.

China currently is the largest stable economy on Earth, and has the largest foreign reserves in store, plus they are also looking forward to widen the market spectrum and Euro Zone is one of them. China has said that it will be taking a more concerted action to stabilize the economy of the Euro Zone.

A Portuguese newspaper has even said that, China is ready to buy €4-5 billion from the country, so it can ease out its debt pressure. In this way China will be revealing its importance in the Euro Zone, and also proving the world that the currency strength lies in the Yen too, and not only with the dollar.

Source: Reuters