Asia Bizz: The Apple iPhone 4 had been launched earlier last year, but as it took to the market customers were facing antenna and signal issues, which was a problem by Apple itself. Now the company has redesigned the Antenna and hope that this may bring in a solution to the infamous Death Grip which shrouded the iPhone 4.

Verizon is going to launch the iPhone 4 in the month of February, and the company does not want any such issues to emerge from its customers. Apple has moved the Wi-Fi antenna deeper inside the phone, which too was one of the main issues in the connectivity flaw.

The antenna on the iPhone suffered as it used to get disconnected if held in a particular position, the flaw was discovered to be the antenna placing in the phone. Verizon is expecting to have strong sales in the future, and analysts do feel the same, and the company does not want to take any sort of risks involved in customer related issues.

Source: CW