Asia Bizz: India has turned out to be the most auspicious country for BMW, as every car which they have launched in the country has when some award, and this time it is the BMW X1 SUV winning the title of the Most Liked Car. The X1 won the award at the inaugural IndiMoto Awards, and this the first and one of a kind award which has taken place, as the car was voted the best through the Facebook poll.
One needs to only login to Facebook and just ‘like’ this car, and on the basis of this the BMW X1 became the most like car of 2011. IndiMoto is one of Asia’s largest community on Facebook and approximately 1000 people join this community everyday.
The founder of this Facebook page is Mr Udit Bhandari, who opened it in the month of June 2010. He has specially congratulated BMW for its quality and being one of the most liked car’s in India. The car which finished second is also a BMW, the 5 Series. The reason why BMW is liked in India is because of its image and quality they cater for their customers.
Source: RushLane