Asia Bizz: The most awaited S series phone from Samsung, the Galaxy S2 smartphone was shown at the World Mobile Congress, but it was a teaser video. The specifications and release date of the device too was leaked during the event, as a result it has now pumped more adrenaline into its ever awaiting customers.

The device will be release on the 4th of March 2011, priced at £549.95, which may sound as price tag of a high end device. Leaked specifications show that the device is running on a massive dual-core 1.2GHz Orion processor, which is never been seen on any other device. It should have a 4.3 inch AMOLED screen and a Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity.

The camera on this smartphone is huge, 8MP on board, which will give sharp images with unmatched quality, plus 1GB RAM to make the device run with ease. The device is running on the Android 2.3 operating system, which is the latest android available in the market.