Asia Bizz: The Boeing 787 will be tested in Japan by All Nippon Airways on July 3, this will be the first test of the flight and also the first time the US made medium sized aircraft will be used by a Japanese airline company. If all the tests go well, the ANA will deploy the aircraft and it will be called the Dreamliner.

The Dreamliner will be used by the month of September and will be on domestic routes only to begin with. The Boeing 787 was supposed to be introduced by the year 2008, but it was delayed due to safety measures.

The flight will be tested to Osaka, Hiroshima and Okayama. All Nippon Airways plans on having 14 Boeing 787 for the year 2011 and later on plans to buy 10 more for 2012.

The best part of the Boeing 787 is its fuel efficiency, the aircraft has a lighter fuselage and will be around 20% more fuel efficient than the Boeing 767.