Asia Bizz: Groupon India, the online deals giant, had recently published confidential email addresses along with their passwords of more than 3,00,000 subscribers. The company had reported that the confidential data was accidentally published and the information belonged to strong subscribers.

The security breach was found by the founder of the internet security website, Daniel Grzelak. Reports say that the mistake was found on the website, after running the Google search for the database that was publicly available.

Daniel said that after coming to know about the database he staretd scrolling but could not reach to the bottom of the page when he realized that it was that huge. The founder then informed the Internet Security site

Groupon had acquired the online discount portal in January 2011. The company had then immediately alerted its subscribers to change their passwords, by posting a message on their Facebook page. The message had assured that they had been dealing with some of the security issues off late which had affected the subscribers of But the problem has been brought under control, the message said.

Meanwhile, Groupon has assured that it would review on the security arrangements on and replace them with new measures so as to avoid such mistakes in future.