Asia Bizz: The much talked about smartphone based on Islam has been launched in India by an Indian-based company. The makers of the Islamic phone ‘Enmac’ said that Muslims in India are always underrepresented and believe that the new phone will bring them to the digital world.
Anuj Kanish, who has launched the phone in India, said India has around 180 million Muslims and the penetration of mobile phones in the community is much less. Kanish added that they have received tremendous response for the new product.
While talking about the religious phone, Anuj said that religion has a very important place in the Indian society in addition to the mobile phone. The smartphone is a combination of technology and religion and is first of its kind in the Indian market.
The new Enmac has a GPS application that points out at Mecca and also a calculator for Zakaat charitable Donations. The new smartphone can also translate the Holy Kuran from Arabic to 29 different Indian languages including Bengali, Malayalam, Urdu and Tamil. The new phone also has a guide to perform Hajj rituals in Mecca and Madina. Kanish added that such a phone will help the users to stay connected to Allah even in busy times.