Asia Bizz: Research In Motion has announced heavy discounts for the festive season in India on December 28, 2011. A spokesperson from the company said that they are offering heavy discounts on their PlayBook tablet.

The customers can take the benefit of the festive offer till December 31, 2011. The regular price of the 16 GB version of the PLayBook is Rs 27,990, but in the festive offer RIM has offered more than 50% discount and the company is offering the same tablet for Rs. 13, 490.

While the 32 GB version of the PlayBook is available at Rs. 15,990, the original price of which is Rs. 32,990. The 64 GB version of the tablet can be bought at Rs. 24,490, while the original price of the device is Rs. 37, 990.

RIM launched the PlayBook in the month of April 2011, with not so impressive reviews. It just sold less than one million units in the global market when compared to Apple which sold more than 11 million iPads in its recent quarter. The features of the PlayBook include 7 inch LCD capacitive touch screen with full multi touch gesture support. The device has been powered by the BlackBerry Tablet OS with 1GHz dual core processor and 1GB RAM.