Asia Bizz: Last year, Indian auto giant Bajaj Auto launched its Boxer 100cc in a new 150cc avatar in the Indian market. But despite offering its customers an attractive price for a more powerful vehicle, the sales of the two wheeler failed to take off and is far away from the best selling bike.
Bajaj launched the bike with an aim to target the rural population who needed more power at a reasonable cost. At present, the company is selling 2500 to 3000 bikes in the Indian market.
In order to boost the sales of the bike, the company has launched a marketing campaign in about 16,000 villages. During the campaign demo, vans are sent to the remotest villages with bikes to be test driven by prospective buyers.
On contacting an official at Bajaj Auto, the company said that they have created a new category known as ‘Power Commuter’ through the new 150cc bike and it could take some time to establish the new model. On the other hand, analysts have opined that the sales of the bike are way lower than expected which can force the company to reposition the bike. This can be a disappointment for the company as the rural customers are the major target group for Bajaj Auto.