Asia Bizz: The online store of Microsoft India has recently been hacked. The website is presently offline, but some reports indicate that the popular ‘Chinese Evil Shadow Team’ is behind the hack.

The names and passwords of the website were not encrypted and it made it easy for the cyber criminals to get access and it is believed that they have the vital details.

The website is not operational at present and displays the message which says that the Microsoft Store India is at present not available. The message added that the website will be stored as quickly as possible.

New reports state that the username and passwords of the website were saved in plain text which made it easier for the hackers. This is a warning for the websites who associate it with the username and password. As a precautionary measure, all the users must immediately change their usernames and passwords. Reports also say that when the website was hacked then it had the picture of Guy Fawkes mask. The picture is otherwise associated with the hacker group Anonymous, who are popular for their high profile hacks on the major organizations and corporations around the globe.