The state hold Orissa Mining Corporation Ltd (OMC) has recorded the highest turnover of Rs 2085.27 crore and profit before tax of Rs 1890.22 crore during 2008-09.


The Corporation also declared the highest dividend of Rs 250 crore which amounted to eight times of the share capital invested by the state government.

In 2006-07 the corporation had a turnover of Rs 1081.42 crore and profit before tax of Rs 682.52 crore. The turnover of the corporation rose to 1963.27 crore and profit before tax of Rs 1623.03 in 2007-08.

 The Corporation had declared dividend of Rs 100 crore for 2006-07 Rs 200 crore for the next year.

OMC was established in 1956 as a joint sector with the Union government to harness the mineral wealth of the state. But in 1962 it became a wholly owned corporation of the state government with a share capital of Rs 31.45 crore.