For Consumers, a vast world of advertising income is opening up with the launch of the Boloto Group’s, a viral web-based membership that provides a share of the ad dollars. In addition, by tagging your friends to Join i5, each member shares virally in the ad dollars experienced by their contacts. For Advertisers, provides the missing link of advertising – exact audience access and interaction chosen by the advertiser.
 Boloto Group follows a simple industry fact: the only value to an advertiser is the audience. By allowing consumers to choose where and when to view ads and to provide an unmatched value to the advertisers, the consumer earns a share of the ad dollar. That’s Invite5.
Membership is free and viral. Sharing membership is as simple as playing tag. Create your own invite tag during registration and tell the world to Join i5 with your tag. Whether an organization or individual, everyone that enters your tag during registration is connected to you. That connection is a viral share of the ad dollars when they interact with ads. The viral distribution of the ad dollar continues through seven invite levels. Organizations can provide their audience a life-long value by sharing free Invite5 membership.