Sugo toys Japan has on August 14, 2012 announced that it has received a good response from the fan community. Sugo Toys is a Japanese monthly subscription service.

The teaser site of the service was launched on July 25, 2012. The company said that since the launch of the teaser, it has received more than 500 newsletter subscriptions from figure collectors all around the world.

Moreover the service has also received encouraging words and suggestions through Facebook and Twitter. Masaru Nakajima, the CEO of Sugo Toys said, “Figure enthusiasts all around the world have given us great suggestions and ideas. They are helping us make a service that fits their needs. We are grateful”.

Masaru added that the company expects to have around 1,000 newsletter followers by the month of September. Sugo Toys Japan has opened a blog to showcase figures, events and interesting figure related stuff besides the Sugo toys Japan releases. The figure collectors will every month receive a new figure from the series of choosing, so that the blog will show the past and future figures available through the service. The service offers new figures every month to the subscribers. The service does not have any toy distributor but are closely working with a manufacturer.