Bharat Bandh also known as a nation-wide strike in India seems to be growing in this part of the world. After the July 5 Bandh, which brought India to standstill, the Maoists have decide to go on strike in revenge the killing of senior Maoist leader by the police.
According to reports, the Maoist’s have declared ‘Bharat Bandh’ for 48 hours from 7 July to protest against the killing of their leader Cherukuri Rajkumar aka Azad at Adilabad in Andhra Pradesh.
The top Maoist leader, Kishenji claimed that Cherukuri Rajkuma was arrested from Nagpur along with another Maoist Sukdeb and was taken to Adilabad and they both were shot dead by the police. However, Maoist said that the railways, milk, ambulance and fire services are excluded from the shutdown.
Sources say that West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa and Chhattisgarh – the naxal affected areas- are on high alert.