Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, who is also the wife of Rajasthan Royals c0-owner Raj Kundra, is furious at the media and has expressed her anger on Twitter. Raj Kundra was questioned by the police for almost 12 hours on June 5, 2013, in connection with to the spot-fixing case of IPL.
Kundra’s passport was seized by the officials and Shilpa showed her anger over derogatory statements made about her husband. On the social media site Twitter, Shilpa wrote, “Really upset with the media fr casting aspersions without any proof, making derogatory statements..Uncalled for and not to be tolerated(sic).” The actress also went on to write, “Just to reiterate, will do it all it takes to reach to the bottom of this “spot-fixing case” and be of complete help till that happens!(sic).”
Mrs. Kundra’s reaction came after the media reports claimed that Delhi police have seized Rajasthan Royals co-owner Raj Kundra’s passport and has been ordered not to leave the country until the spot-fixing case is solved.
Earlier reports claimed that Rajasthan Royals co-owner Raj Kundra and his business partner Umesh Goenka might be questioned again on June 6, 2013 regarding the IPL spot-fixing case. There are also allegations that Shilpa’s husband was into betting. A special cell of Delhi police questioned both Kundra and Goenka for about 12 hours on June 5, 2013.