South Korean giant Samsung is expected to introduce its much-awaited smartwatch like device, named Galaxy Gear. Samsung might launch the wearable device at an event which is going to be held on September 2, 2013 in Berlin, Germany.
The market for wearable smart devices is slowly picking up and the company has decided to join in. Many companies on the electronic market, like Apple and Sony, are also fighting for their spot in the wearable gadget market.
Now Samsung is all set to launch its device, which will reportedly run on Google’s Android OS. The Galaxy Gear will be like the smart watch, but will be a bit advanced. To begin with, the device will run on Google’s Android operating system. The display details of the device are still not known, but it is expected that it will have a flexible display and the company will continue to work on its displays.
Meanwhile, US giant Apple said that it is working with a team of 100 designers on its smart watch, which is expected to be launched later in 2013. So far, the iPhone maker has not even hinted about its arrival before the end of 2013.
Photo Credits: India Times