US-based tech giant Apple has launched its low-end smartphone known as the iPhone 5C on September 10, 2013. The company launched the new low-cost iPhone with an aim to target users who cannot afford the more expensive versions of the smartphone. However, despite the recent launch, users have complained that the device is still too expensive and added that they do not have any interest in purchasing the device.


The long-awaited devices – the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C – were launched by Apple on September 10, 2013 in Cupertino, California. The new iPhone 5C is said to be a major move of the electronics giant in order to get back its momentum in emerging markets like China. Apple considers the Chinese market as the second-largest market in the world.

For the first time ever, China became one of the first markets to have the new iPhones and the starting price of the new iPhone 5S is 5,288 yuan and the starting price for the low-end iPhone 5C is 4,488 yuan. Many Chinese users were expecting that the new iPhone will be priced below 3,000 yuan, so with this in mind, the price is very disappointing.

A survey was conducted on the number one web portal in China – – in which it was found that 88.4 percent of people said that the price of the low-end iPhone is too high, while just 2.6 percent said that they will buy the new iPhone 5C.

Photo Credits: Business Insider