US-based fast food giant McDonald’s in Tokyo, on November 1, 2013 apologized after it was discovered that one of its outlets posted a notice which banned homeless people for over a year. The notice in question had led to an online argument.
Employees at the store in Hachioji in western Tokyo would reportedly decline to let people deemed to be improper in and cited unhygienic and homelessness as examples. On the other hand, the fast food giant on Friday, November 1, 2013 clarified that the sign had been taken down.
A spokesperson for the company said, “Even though the purpose of the notice was for other customers to be able to feel comfortable in the outlet, some of the words it used were inappropriate, and we apologize for that”. The new sign now mentions that customers who cause trouble to other customers – such as making loud noises, sleeping or having poor hygiene – will not be allowed to enter the store.
The spokesperson also mentioned that instructions have been given to all other outlets in Japan not to use discriminatory language in their notices. Starting from January 2013, a total number of 8,265 people are considered to be homeless in Japan.
Photo credits: Globosapiens