The iPhone manufacturing giant Apple has rolled out its new flagship tablet, the iPad Air for the Japanese market. Apple’s store in the Ginza district opened its doors to find a long queue of people who were waiting to get their hands on the latest device from the US-based company.


Takaaki Sasaki – the developer of a popular app in Japan – was one of the hundreds of customers who arrived to the store. This time, the launch of the new iPad Air was low-key and even though the latest device from Apple received mostly positive reviews, the main impression was that it is not a game-changer.

Meanwhile, the three-storey Apple shop in Beijing – which is the biggest Apple store in Asia – celebrated the launch like a festival and every customer was greeted with cheers and applause from around 25 employees who were seen wearing bright blue shirts. Another dozen employees were seen giving a second round of applause at the cash registers.

The spokesperson Edmond Ong from the retailer Epicentre in Singapore said that the sales were dull, compared to the launch of the iPad in 2012. He said, “We are not too worried as we still see a steady stream of customers coming in to get the iPad this morning”. The iPad Air is struggling to get the attention of buyers due to a fierce competition from the rivals.

Photo Credits: Channel News Asia