In recent times, China implemented the new fishing restrictions in the South China Sea which have been criticized by Japan, claiming that they violate international standards in territorial waters.

china fishing restriction

In addition to launching their Air Defense Identification Zone in late 2013, Japan said that China is creating discomfort in the international community due to these moves. Itsunori Onodera, the Defense Minister talked about China during the military drills which have been conducted by the Self Defense Force’s elite airborne brigade on January 12, 2014 and said that a unilateral move – such as imposing restrictions on fishing boats – is one of the things which will not be tolerated.

Onodera went on to say that there are some parts of the waters which are acting as if they own it. He said, “I’m afraid not only Japan but the international society as a whole has a concern that China is unilaterally threatening the existing international order”. Even Japan’s closest ally, the United States reacted right away and said that the move is provocative and potentially dangerous.

China says that foreign vessels which enter the disputed waters must first get approval from the local government – the southern Hainan province – which claims that the waters in question are under their jurisdiction. Three Chinese ships went into the territorial waters of Japan briefly near the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands.

Photo Credits: Maritime Executive