Electronics manufacturing giant Sony Corp has launched its Socialife News reader app for all Android smartphones for free. Earlier, the availability of the app was limited to the company’s Xperia Android smartphones and tablets, as well as VAIO PCs. The application is intended for news reading and has more than 13 million downloads, as well as a variety of news, including Facebook posts, Twitter posts and YouTube videos, which are all incorporated into a nicely designed layout.
The application also allows readers to easily add – thanks to an in-app ‘Add feeds’ function – a number of high-quality content sources which are offered by affiliated partners which cover various areas. Some of the categories include general news, sports, entertainment and IT. Users will also have an option to register blog posts and RSS news content which is found online.
The application comes with a function which allows users to bookmark their favourite Facebook and Twitter posts, as well as news articles. People who use multiple handsets can use any of them to access a cloud-based service to refer the same news list and bookmarks which are registered.
Moreover, in 2014, Socialife News will also feature the official content of the FIFA World Cup, as Sony is the event’s official sponsor. Users can read official FIFA news and view pictures of the players.
Photo Credits: Android OS