The next phase of Malaysian flight MH370 wreckage search begins.

The deep-sea hunt for missing Malaysian flight MH370 restarted on October 5, 2014 after the ocean floor was mapped to the west of Australia, after a month-long pause. Australian-contracted Fugro Discovery and Malaysian-contracted GO Phoenix went scouring the Indian Ocean with an underwater search through sonar technology after they were fitted and tested with towfish and other equipment.

fugro discovery flight mh370 search

Australian authorities had stated, with the help of independent satellite experts and other analysts, that the shift of the search would be further south to the previously designated area, since the missing flight was at a faster speed than earlier calculated, covering more distance.

The challenge lies in the fact that the southern side of the ocean is much deeper, susceptible to violent storms, hence hindering logistics. The ships already have to sail hundreds of miles from their ports in Australia before reaching the now high-priority area.

While Fugro Discovery and GO Phoenix are slated to reach the search spot by October 17, 2014, a third ship, Fugro Equator, will join in after completing a survey of a certain section of the ocean floor. Once it finishes the task by the end of this month, it will make its way to Fremantle, where it will be prepared with search equipment.

Apart from the towfish, which is accompanied by a side-scan sonar, the ships will also carry video equipment for the crew to easily spot any debris of MH370. Fugro Discovery will also have an additional sensor that can even detect traces of jet fuel in the water.

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