Asia Bizz: Sony’s Android Google TV Priced Perfectly, First Product Review

Sony has recently unveiled its Google TV, which is running on the Android system. We have seen that the price of this product has been kept perfectly by Sony, especially keeping in mind the middle class consumer. There are some lags in this new machine, particularly speaking about the switching between menu’s, for it takes a time lag to do that, we really dont understand why is this happening, may be its because of the Atom processor in the TV.

Sony corp. has said that there has been no customization with the TV except the introduction of the ‘recommended channel area’. In addition to this there is no heavy UI overlay in the gadget, so surly the Android users will fall for this.

Speaking of the Android system, Sony has provided its own remote for this machine, and we recommend that it is not at all something you would die for. Its a very complicated tool and we are having problems to switch menu’s at daylight saving time speed, seriously a very big drawback, one would prefer that his Android phone could some flipping of channels for this TV. The TV is priced between $599 and $1399, in the market which looks perfectly fair. Overall a good tech work by Sony.