Asia Bizz: Apple will be launching the whole new revamped iPad by early 2011, which will also include a dual camera feature. Apple is going to surprise its customers next year, as the iPad has become one of the most popular tablets in the world. It was launched in the month of January 2010, and it has been sold to millions around the world; becoming a personal favourite.
Touch screen chip designer Wintek, battery maker Simplo Technology and AVY Precision are among the ones who will be providing technology material to the next iPad. The new iPad will have front and rear cameras, something that has now become common among other tablets around the world.
Sources also reported that the iPad will be faster than before, and in addition to that, it will also present a higher resolution display. Apple on the other hand has made no formal or an official comment, but the company has always been known to come up with surprises.
Source: NYDaily