Asia Bizz: Indian auto giant Bajaj has announced to launch a new variant of their Boxer brand. The company is all set to roll out the 150cc version of the Boxer by the month of August 2011, which will be priced at around Rs. 40,000.

Bajaj has already launched the new motorcycle in some of the cities of the state of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, in India. The Boxer 150 cc has been specially designed for the rural masses and roads.

The company aims at replacing the old Yezdi, Rajdoot and many such bikes with the new 150cc Boxer. The new Boxer will have a four-stroke engine with decent power and torque.

The Boxer series is popular mainly for its average and low maintenance that makes it user-friendly and affordable. However, the older Boxer was of 100cc and the new 150 cc bike may not be able to give the same average as it used to before. Some of the sources from the company have said that the back seat of the 150cc bike has been designed , so that it can accommodate two more people other than the driver. This also indicates that it may also be capable of carrying heavy loads.