Asia Bizz: Indian auto giant Tata Motors was recently asked to pay compensation to a resident of Ludhiana, who had purchased a Tata Nano car and found some key features missing. A compensation of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. Rs.3,000, as litigation charges, has been asked to pay to Urmil Chabra, the owner of the car.

Chabra had reportedly booked a Tata Nano Cx by paying Rs. 1.20 lakhs through a demand draft. The customer was told that the vehicle would be delivered to her with the specified time between July and September 2009.

However, the company had delayed the delivery of the car, which was delivered only in December 2009. Chabra was shocked to notice that the car had lacked some of the basic features which include, trip meter odometer, trip meter reset knob, anti glare inner-view mirror, utility pockets for newspapers and magazines and also rear seat belts which are some of the mandatory features according to safety norms.

The customer had sent three complaints to the company, but they denied the allegations and even Dada Motors from where the vehicle was purchased had denied the allegations. Chabra had then demanded that her defective car be replaced or the missing features be installed. The forum had then after going through the evidence had allowed the complaint and ordered Tata Motors to pay compensation.