Asia Bizz: After a long wait, South Korean based company LG Electronics has rolled out the Gingerbread 2.3.4 update for its Optimus Black handsets in India. Despite the late release, the new update for the Android phones promises exciting new features for the smartphone.

LG has been known for its delayed rollout for software updates for its Android based handsets. The company announced the launch of the Gingerbread update back in the month of November 2011.

Certain reports surfaced that the users of the LG Optimus Black were getting a slightly outdated Gingerbread 2.3.4 update, but many of other device manufacturers have already shifted to the Gingerbread 2.3.7.

The update for the Gingerbread will begin from Europe and later it will also be rolled out in India. The update is expected to bring a host of new features like improved power management, enhanced gaming experience, support for new media formats and a more intuitive UI for faster access and control. With the new update, the LG Optimus Black will have active app management, icons, app groups, shortcuts, widgets, updated calendar options, better email syncing and better camera focus. The new update is good, but while the world is waiting for the new Google Android Ice Cream Sandwich update, the outdated Gingerbread does not attract much attention.