Dispute between China and Japan affects APEC focus on trade
The city of Beijing has been announced as the host of 2014’s regional summit and the latest announcement has spoiled the relations between China...
South Korean president Park arrives in Bali
The president of South Korea, Park Geun-hye arrived in Bali, Indonesia on Sunday, October 6, 2013. The South Korean president arrived in Bali and...
US, Japan and Australia warned by China not to team up in sea dispute
The United States, Japan and Australia on October 7, 2013 have been warned by China that they must not take advantage of their alliance...
Chinese president Xi Jinping promises stronger ties with Indonesia
The president of China, Xi Jinping promised on October 2, 2013 that he will establish an Asian investment bank in order to help facilitate...
China to discuss trade in services
A Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesperson on September 26, 2013 said that the country will soon join the talks for a deal on trade...
China and Venezuela sign 12 deals
The President of China Xi Jinping and the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro came to several agreements during his first trip to China on September...
Abe orders decommission of 2 Fukushima reactors
The problem of constant toxic water leak is slowly taking a controversial turn and is also putting a question mark on the safety of...
Chinese president to resume FTA talks with Gulf Cooperation Council
The Chinese President Xi Jinping asked on September 16, 2013 for an early restart of negotiations for a free trade area (FTA) between China...
Korean and Vietnamese leaders agree to seal FTA
South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Truong Tan Sang - who is her Vietnamese counterpart - agreed on September 9, 2013 to complete a...
President of China Xi Jinping visits Uzbekistan
The President of China, Xi Jinping, arrived to Uzbekistan on September 8, 2013, with an aim to improve bilateral relations and cooperation between the two...