Mobile phone manufacturing giant Samsung has launched its Omnia M smartphone for the Indian market. The new smartphone has been launched at Rs. 18,650 but the users can avail the device from Samsung India’s eStore for just Rs. 16,400.

Earlier reports claim that the device has already made its appearance at the online store for Rs. 17,990. Its successor Omnia W was announced in the month of May this year and it also recently went on pre-order in Europe.

The features of the Omnia M include 4 inch Super AMOLED display, 1 GHz processor, Windows Phone 7.5, 5 mega pixel camera, 0.3 mega pixel front camera, 1,500 mAh batter and 4 GB internal memory. Quite a few Android handsets enter the Rs. 20,000 price segment and this smart phone has decent specifications.

The new smartphone from Samsung does not seem much exciting but one has to wait and see if it manages to give tough competition to other smartphones in its segment. Some of the connectivity features of the smartphone include 3G HSPDA, Bluetooth, Bing Map and USB 2.0. The device is powered by 384 MB RAM with 4GB/8GB internal memory and features a 1,500 mAh battery.