Jagbir Singh Malik the prime witness in the sensational Aarushi Murder case, died after he was being mowed down by a truck in Ghaziabad. Malik was a policeman and the accident took place on September 20, 2012 in which two other policemen were killed.
The policeman was the first investigating officer in the case. He was investigating the case right after the first SHO got suspended till the CBI took over the investigation.
The accident took place after just hours after six people died in a clash between locals and the police. On the other hand Aarushi’s mother Nupur Talwar, who has been named as one of the accused in the murder has got bail and will soon be walking out of the Dasna Jail on September 25, 2012 after being in custody for five months.
14 year old Aarushi was found dead at her parent’s residence on May 16, 2008. The throat of the teenager was found slit in the bedroom of the residence. The next day the body of their domestic help Hemraj was found dead on the terrace of the house. Till now the case has remained unsolved while the court has held the parents of the teenager also responsible in the murder.