After the unfortunate death of the Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh in Pakistan, his body has been brought back to Punjab, for a funeral ceremony in his home town. Singh was a prisoner in Pakistan, who died after a fatal attack by a group of prisoners.


The body of Sarabjit was brought on May 2, 2013 in a special Air India flight to India from Pakistan and was taken to his native place of Bhikhiwind by a helicopter. Before the body was handed over to the family of the prisoner, a second post-mortem was conducted on the prisoner at the government-run hospital at Amritsar Medical College in Patti, to know the actual cause of the death.

The first post-mortem was conducted in Pakistan at Jinnah Hospital, where the prisoner had breathed his last. Sarabjit has become the second Indian to die at the infamous Kot Lakhpat Jail in Lahore. Singh was brutally attacked on Friday last week, by six fellow inmates when they were brought out of their cells for a break.

The government of Punjab has announced financial assistance of Rs. 1 crore for the family of Sarabjit and has also declared a 3-day state mourning. The body of the victim has been taken to the cremation ground for the final rites.